February 24, 2009

Parker's Lists

Conversation around the dinner table at our house can follow any number of paths. It can range from what happened at school that day to how hot the sun is to how bad the dog smells. Tonight's topic? Parker's "weeee list."

Now, I know what you're already thinking. And no. This isn't a list about the most exciting places to go #1. Although with two boys, God knows we have plenty of those conversations.

No, this is a list of names. More specifically, it's a list of Parker's "worst enemy enemy enemy enemies".

Every boy, I guess, has a list of enemies. I had one, though I never articulated it. Parker's list isn't long. In fact, there are only four names on it. But it's well thought out. If you ask him, he has very specific reasons for having these names on the list.

Three of the names don't really surprise me (although two are essentially the same person). The fourth name, however, caught me off guard. It's a name that many of you won't know. But if you do know her, you'll think, "What?!" just like I did. But again, if you ask him, there's a reason she made it onto the list. Apparently there was an incident on the playground.

So here they are. According to Parker, his "worst enemy enemy enemy enemies" are (in order):

1) The Devil
2) Satan
3) Gavin
4) Teagan

Now, if you are the parents of any of these people, I would like to point out that we did talk about God's command for us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (or kick at us on the playground). So hopefully, one day, the bottom two can move from the "weeee" list to the "f" "bf" or "bff" list. And yes, he has those all worked out in his mind too.


  1. Oh my....
    OK, only one person has ever put Teagan's name in the same category as "satan," and that was me... BUT it was just the postpartum hormones talking. I asked her about her playground antics this morning & she swore innocence, which tells me I may never get the real story, especially since Teagan's idea of "playing" is sometimes quite suspect. If you recall, her father almost killed me with a moving train, and he really liked me!!! *sigh* So it might be up to me to teach her social intelligence, although I wonder if one can effectively TEACH that. At any rate, my hope is that if I work with her, eventually she WILL move to the "BF" list... or at least the "tolerable" list. You know... baby steps! :)

  2. Yes, every boy probably has 'the list'. I had mine, too, but I never wrote it down. I probably talked about it plenty though. I love that Parker has already identified his REAL enemy!
