February 14, 2009

A Growing Trend

(Originally posted 10/31/2008)

We've been taking the boys to the pumpkin patch since they were tiny. And we did all the typical stuff when they were little:

Sat them on top of a pile of pumpkins;
sat them in our laps while we sat on a pile of pumpkins.

Sat them on top of a pile of hay;
sat them on our laps while we sat on top of a pile of hay.

Sat them on a tractor;
sat them on our laps while we sat on the tractor.

Notice a trend? Well, that trend is over in our family.

This year, the only reason we went to the pumpkin patch was because of the corn maze. See, we tried to go last year, but we didn't have any cash on us. And we didn't realize that they charge you $5 a pop to walk through their torn up corn field (yeah, yeah, we should've known).

Well, this year, we showed up with cash in hand. And I have to say, the corn maze wasn't half bad. Not sure it was worth $20, but the kids had fun. At least in the maze.

But when we got out of the maze, that's when Carissa and I realized it. We aren't the typical family at that place anymore. Our kids were bigger than most there. And they got bored quickly.

Of the 28 photo op spots (yes, I counted), exactly one was of any interest to the boys - the actual tractor. At least that was the case until we started letting them jump off of the photo op spots. And sadly, I'm pretty sure that's losing its allure quickly.

So I started thinking: does this mean next year it's a haunted house instead of the pumpkin patch? Guess we'll see...

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