February 14, 2009

My Vote

(Originally posted 10/21/2008)

It's no secret who I'm voting for. But over the past several weeks, I've really begun to ask why - something I think is vital for everyone to ask and answer. And as I've looked into why I'm voting for McCain, several reasons have come to mind.

Now, I know he's not perfect. But short of Jesus, no one is. And yes, there are things I disagree with McCain about. But no candidate is going to agree with me 100% of the time - not even if I ran (I'd disagree with myself sometimes).

So I've made my decision. It's based on the following thoughts and statements...things that have come to me through different venues and at different times and in different ways over the last few weeks.

1) I don't believe the media. This goes for both sides of of the dividing party line. I'm not going to base my vote on what Katie Courick (sp?), Rush Limbaugh, David Letterman or any other celebrity in the media says. Think about it. They get paid to sensationalize the stories. It's sad; but it's true. And I just plain don't believe them.

2) Our next Commander-in-Cheif absolutely has the obligation to be as strong as the people he sends out to die. This person will be the leader of a war, whether you like it or not. Troops will not be rushed off the front lines and back home in droves on November 5th. They'll still be in harm's way. And they need someone who has the guts to defend them and support them, not pull the rug out from under them.

3) I value life - even the unborn. This article is a little slanted, I admit. However, what you can't shrug off as slanted are Obama's own words. Read it and see for yourself. I don't vote on one issue alone. But this is a pretty big one.

Those are just three reasons. There are more. But consider those things. And then decide. Don't decide and then contemplate. Because then you'll end up like these people. Don't be them.

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