April 1, 2013


There are 6549 words that start with the letter “a” in the English dictionary. All I have to do is pick one to start this A to Z Writing Challenge. But I’m struggling. And like always, when I’m struggling, I ask my wife for a little help, a little inspiration. So right now she is literally spouting words that start with “A”. Some of the ones she’s suggested: aardvarks, addictions, ascension, a la mode (ok, that’s not English, but she really likes ice cream…)

But, like anything that has to do with writing, the first is always the hardest. It’s true with the first line. It’s true with getting your first book or article published. This is just another first that is difficult.

I’ve waffled between going with a theme or picking random topics each day. A friend of mine is writing the entire A to Z Challenge on marriage. I love that idea, but I can’t do that. To steal a line from another blogger, “for the sake of my sanity, I’m not sticking to a particular theme.”

So I figured today I’d write about a… No, not a topic. Not a subject. Just a…

The dictionary defines “a” as an indefinite article; not any particular or certain one of a class. Have you ever felt like a…? I think we all have. We’ve said things like, “I’m just a father. I’m just a businessman. I’m just a person.” But the reality is so much greater; so much grander.

The truth is that you aren’t a… you are the. There has never been, nor will there ever be, another you. Sure, some of the roles you fill may overlap with the roles other people fill. But the fact is, you are the only one who will ever fulfill every role that you fill right now, right where you are.

That’s the greatness of life. It’s the originality of it all. God created you to be one-of-a-kind. Think about how amazing that is. With 7 billion people on earth (and that’s just the living ones…it doesn’t count those who have gone before us), there are no duplicates. No one fills in the gaps exactly as someone else has, does, or ever will.

So, no, you are not just a… Remember, every moment of every day, you are filling the role of the one and only…


  1. "The" post about the letter a- brilliant!!! And so true!

  2. I like this. I will try to substitute "the" for "a" whenever I need a little bolstering.

    Jenny at Choice City Native

  3. True, but hard to own sometimes.

  4. Love how you developed this thought!
    and you're so right! ;)
