August 10, 2012

Beyond the battlefield...

Over the past week, I had the honor of helping to host several families of fallen Marines, soldiers, sailors and airmen. And as cliché as it sounds, it is a week I will never forget as long as I live—I know the same is true for those who helped this week as well.

My church, Fellowship Church, and America’s Mighty Warriors teamed up to give these men, women and children a week of rest and comfort at Allaso Ranch.

“Gold Star families” is what we categorize them as. But the reality is that “Gold Star” sounds like some kind of prize. Teachers give gold stars to little children when they color inside the lines or do all their math problems without mistakes. These families didn’t win a prize. And what they have done deserves so much more than a gold star. They made a great—scratch that—THE greatest sacrifice anyone can make.

In John 15:13 Jesus says, “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”

I think when we read that, we immediately picture the young man running boldly into the line of fire in order to save those he knows and loves. And that’s true. If you know me, you know my heart for those who serve in our military. There are no words to explain my love, honor, and respect for them. But the reality is that the sacrifice made on the battlefield extends far beyond the battlefield.

When that military man or woman is sacrificed in the name of something greater than themselves, when they breathe their last in defense of the freedom you and I enjoy every day, their loved ones left behind are only beginning to make their sacrifices.

They have to wake up each day missing someone they loved dearly. Sons and daughters—some so young they can’t remember mom or dad—have to go through life without those shoulders to lean or arms to hide in.  Wives go to bed and wake up, longing to hold the one man they had in their lives who gave them security and a sense of belonging. Husbands have to wonder what might have been 10, 20 years from now if she just would have made it home. So sacrifice? Yes, the families know all too well what that is like.

Cliché or not—that’s something that should never be forgotten. Wipe politics aside. Put your stance on war on the backburner. Because in the face of such a sacrifice, nothing matters but supporting these families, letting them know we appreciate what they have done (in tangible ways), and assuring them that they will never, ever be forgotten. I saw that happen this week.

One of the highlights was when Texas Governor Rick Perry made a visit to these families. It wasn’t a political move. I know that because his team didn’t actively pursue press to cover the event (they didn’t even care if there was any press). I know that because I watched him interact with them. I know that because I saw the tears in his eyes as he spoke with these families and spent time with these kids. Governor Rick Perry simply wanted to personally thank these people. And it wasn’t a quick stop either. As he sat down to breakfast, he called his aide over and said, “Clear my morning. I’m staying here.”

It’s hard to put into words what this past week meant. The people I met, the conversations I had, the hands I grasped, the smiles I saw, the stories and laughs I heard, and the hugs I had on the last day—everything pointed to the reality that God has these people firmly in His arms.

My pastors and my church have a heart not only to say we follow Jesus, but also to put that into action. This week was no different in that respect than any other day at Fellowship. We are constantly reaching, moving, doing things to show the love of Christ. This week simply provided another opportunity to shine the light and love of Christ on people who desperately need to know it is there.

So I want to say thank you. Not just to the families who allowed us to serve them, but to the people who made it all happen. Thank you, Ed and Lisa. Thank you, Fellowship Church and Allaso Ranch. Thank you Debbie Lee and America’s Mighty Warriors. Thank you Governor Perry for showing us what a true patriot is. And thank you to each volunteer who took time out of their week to serve these families.

To each of you…your heart, your passion, your drive and your love go beyond anything I could ever fathom. I am honored to know you. I’m blessed to serve with you. And I cannot wait to see what is next in the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your thoughts, thank you for writing them down and sharing. L. Montoya
