August 12, 2011

My Bucket List

Most people have heard of a bucket list. It's that list of things someone wants to do, see, accomplish or experience before they die. The cliche list would include things like: sky dive, climb a mountain, travel to ________ (you fill in the blank), scuba dive, experience a _________ game at _________ (you fill in the sport and the venue), get a tattoo (ok, maybe that was just me)...things most people don't experience or do on a regular basis.

The idea of a bucket list is that, as the grave approaches, we have to work in all the things that make life, well, life...and not just survival.

Maybe it's because I'm in my mid-30s. Maybe it's because I saw that movie a while back. Whatever the reason, I've thought about what would be on my bucket list. But as my bride says about herself, the last thing I want to be is cliche.

So here's my bucket list: grow closer to God.

That might sound like some super-spiritual, copout answer, but think about it. Every one of those things above has something in common - it's about making life extraordinary. That's what God is all about!

In John 10:10 Jesus said himself, "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."

If that doesn't encapsulate the idea of fulfilling a "bucket list," I don't know what does!

Sure, I'd love to experience a lot of thrills in life. And I have. Most of what's above I've done, but there are many more I still want to do. But I don't just want those moments to be what makes my life exciting. I want every day, every moment to be exciting.

I think that's what God is all about. And as I grow closer to him - through my victories, my struggles, my boredom, my failures, my anger, my joy, my love - I want to watch as he turns the mundane and ordinary into monumental and extraordinary!

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