November 2, 2010


It's raining outside right now.

My wife is absolutely stunning.

I'm only writing this to get the creativity going.

I never thought of Albert Einstein riding a bike before.

My youngest son hates to wrestle...unless it's with me.

My oldest son throws a wicked fast baseball.

Both of my sons are crazy smart.

I just said "both of my sons"...soon that statement won't apply.

Do you think it's easier to read something that is left justified? Or right justified? wife is smokin' hot.

There are 2 pens on my desk. One doesn't work. I should probably throw it away.

French press coffee is the best.

A friend of mine's father passed away yesterday. My heart hurts for him.

I think I would like to take up photography.

Or guitar.

Or poetry.

Another friend of mine loaned me two books. It's going to be hard to give them back.

Back. Time to get back to work.

1 comment:

  1. Let's see: Agree with the "stunning" description, but cannot verify "smokin' hot" but happy you can.
    The phrase "my three sons" has a very nice ring to it.
    You have always been a very good and sensitive friend -- and poet-- actually from as early as I remember.
    Return the books - keep the friend! Love, Mom
