July 29, 2010


There's just something special about books. I don't even care which books. Good books. Bad books. Thick books. Thin books. Old books. New books. (this is starting to sound a lot like Dr. Seuss’s “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish”! )

They can be books that are fiction or not. Books about people or the past or business management or dead athletes or corrupt politicians or extinct empires or farming or mountain climbing. There's something powerful that happens when I'm immersed in the words and thoughts of other writers. Even the ones that aren't from writers. It's hard to explain, really.

There are times when I walk the aisles of a bookstore and become almost melancholy because there's not enough time to read them all. But at the same time I'm excited that there are so many opportunities to discover new thoughts, study different perspectives or examine unique angles on old, familiar topics.

But there's one book that captures all of the emotions, desires, needs, cares, hopes and fears I can ever have. It's a collection of thoughts, perspectives, angles, words, sentences and paragraphs that is unmatched by any other book. It's the book that changes me every time I read it.

No other book gives me the hope and promise of life like this one. None of the characters and stories found on the shelves of a bookstore compare to those found in the pages of this book. And no book scares me as much. Because it's the book that shows me who I really am. And no book inspires me more. Because it’s the book that shows me who I am meant to be.

It's the one book that equips me and challenges me and reminds me and defines me—all at the same time. If you haven't read this book lately, I would challenge you to pick it up... again, or for the first time. Start “in the beginning” and read all the way through, “Amen.” Because it's written by the greatest author there could be; and there is so much there for you to discover. I'm pretty sure you know which one it is...

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