May 12, 2010

A Little About a Lot? Or a Lot about a little?

Would you rather know a lot about a little? Or a little about a lot?
I think I would rather know a lot about a little. Because I've been designed that way by God. It’s the essentiality of putting your all into something.

Each of us could go through life simply

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We could fully commit to something; devoting our time, energy and strength to it.

The same thing works with our relationships. We can fully give ourselves to a precious few; those in life who will be there in the good times and the bad ... no matter what.


We can give out portions of ourselves to a large number of people, showing them only what we want them to see and hiding what really makes us who we are. But when we do that; when we shatter our own essence in hopes of being accepted, we aren’t ever really known. Not the way we’re meant to be known anyway.

So me? I’d rather know a lot about a little…and be known a lot by a little.

1 comment:

  1. Sure, but don't limit gotta know a little before you know a lot.
