July 18, 2009

Thanks for the Reminder

This past week I had an opportunity to get out to our church's camp, Allaso Ranch. I went there for work - to find stories of life change in some students' lives. God had something else he also wanted me to see while I was there.

As I arrived at the camp, I pretty much knew what to expect.

I expected the camp itself to be phenomenal, which it is! (Do you know of any other camp that has five-star quality food and lodging AND two zip lines, a full swim center and a high ropes course?)

I expected the energy of the staff and students to be busting the walls of every building, which it was!

I expected to hear stories of how God is moving and breathing and working in students' lives for eternity, which I did.

But as I sat backstage with Pace before he spoke last Tuesday night, God reminded me of something. My expectations don't mean a whole lot. And in fact, they can be very dangerous.

Pace was running through his talk and he said, "There's a fine line between expecting God to show up and disrespecting God."

He wasn't necessarily talking about my expectations of the camp. He wasn't even talking directly about me at all. He was talking about how dangerous it is for any of us to expect God to show up and honor what we do.

Too often, we can get to a point of almost demanding God to show up. But the truth is, we must stand in awe of who he is and praise his name, even when...scratch that...especially when we don't know what to expect.

Pace has a phenomenal way of challenging people not only to be better at what they do for God, but also to be better at recognizing the importance of honoring God through what they do.

When I left camp last week, yes, I had captured some great stories of life change. Sure, I had a chance to relax and play a little. But what I really walked away with was a reminder that I must honor God by what I do, not just expect him to show up and honor what I do.

Thanks for the reminder. I needed it.

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