June 11, 2009

You need to watch the road.

It was quite a storm. Winds up to 80 mph. Downed trees and power outages everywhere. But in the middle of it, we were safe. Our entire family was over at Carissa's grandmother's house for dinner.

After the storm calmed down, it was time to go home. We had both vehicles (I had met them there after work), so on the way home, each of us took one of the boys. Carissa got Jackson. I got Parker.

You never know what you're going to get with Parker.

On the ride back we talked about how delicious the cake was. Pointed to the downed trees in the road. Shared stories about our day. And talked about how delicious the cake was (yeah, that was a popular topic). Then we saw it.

There was a truck completely upside down on the side of the highway. This wasn't one of those big semi trailers. It was more like a Uhaul type truck. And it was demolished. Nothing left but a charred frame and some broken glass. All that was at the scene by the time we arrived was one police cruiser.

As we passed, Parker asked, "Daddy, was someone driving that truck?"



Then, after about 3 miuntes of complete silence, he said something that I didn't expect. Like I said, you never know what to expect with Parker. He said, "Daddy, I think tonight we should pray for that driver."

Wow! So we did. Right then and there, out loud, we prayed for God to protect and heal the driver of the truck and to help him feel the love God has for him. Knowing that my little man was genuinely concerned about someone he will never even meet is one of those moments that I will cherish forever. But in true Parker form, the moment wasn't over.

After we said, "Amen," we sat in silence for another minute or so. And then he said, "Daddy, when you prayed, were your eyes closed?"


"Good. Because you need to watch the road."

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